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workshops for photographers, with top models!

What I do :

Why my workshops? – My passion for creating amazing images! Creating good images involves good lighting – always set up by myself – and teamwork with our model, whereas creating amazing images needs something more, it’s this ‘extra’ that sets my workshops apart – that key ingredient for me is emotional content. I’m happy to share my passion for this subject and my 40 years experience as a pro photographer, with all who attend my workshops. Crafting an emotional story with your model is something most people can learn if they want to, it’s something I can demonstrate and guide you through – as much or as little as you want! Ray Jessi and I work our tails off in the background to provide the best set-ups we can for you, this usually starts approx 4 weeks before an event.

Enjoying your photography is key! – Our aim is to provide you with an enjoyable and rewarding event! Whether it’s providing you with the tools to do your own thing – or a full-on tutorial workshop, it’s up to you to decide how much input you want from me, and how much you input yourself on the day, we welcome ideas and suggestions! We all do things differently in photography, on our workshops we respect all opinions and techniques, none of us are totally right or totally wrong!

Model Safety : My wife is always around and enjoys looking after visiting models and having a girly chat, during workshops there are always people present including my mua/ stylist, our prime concern is you being comfortable so we all get the best results and you have a good time! I cannot be expected to know the character and background of all attendees, so if there are any photographers you have a personal problem with, let me know and I’ll make sure they are not here. Should they be considered a danger, if they are registered with my studio I WILL remove them from my register immediately!

I am a retired photographer with over 40 years of professional experience, now running workshops twice a month for my love of photography – specifically portraiture! This enables me to pass on some knowledge, still be involved in photography and keep costs down! Photography means different things to different people, for some it’s a hobby, a means to escape, some have more competitive goals and for others it provides an income. There is no ‘right’ way to view photography, it’s a personal thing, its whatever it means to each of us in our own way. For me photography is my passion, I shoot for myself and the model, I don’t care what other people think.


“Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field.” Peter Adams

“A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, in a word, effective.” Irving Penn

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” Ansel Adams




more about our workshop format





Recommendations : at the bottom of my PurplePort profile page here

or on this website here